8 May 2020 / 8.04pm
In 2005, I wrote my first unpublished book, "The Living River" I self printed 20 copies and shared with my closest friends. I stayed back in the office to print. This happened almost everyday until I printed 20 copies without my boss's knowledge. :-)
This year is the 15th Anniversary!
When I first set out to write this book, I had no idea how difficult it would be. It's one thing to produce work for client, but something else entirely different when you have to act as both client, designer, and writer.
I am not literary personality. I write whenever my heart urges me to write. It's hard to cope with my heart because it often motivates me to burn midnight oil.
Yes, I love to share story and now it is as essential as the wisp of oxygen for my joy.
Writing is a hobby for me. It's the way of life. It's not the transient desire of my mind. It's the eternal desire of my heart. I don't write because I am free. I write because writing makes me free. Writing takes me into different world. My writing are filled with the love and belief in human expression. Through my writing, one can learn that I am an emotional person.
This happened in 2002…
All of a sudden, my Design Director asked me to write a story about myself. So that she can know me better. I remember it was on Thursday evening.
The next day, before I left the office, I printed my story and left it on her table. While I was on my way back to hometown, about midnight, I received her sms. She was very touched by my story. She encouraged me to continue to write. Don't stop! Her word of encouragement has changed the way I looked at myself. Finally, someone believe in my story. Because of my childhood, I grew up with low self-esteem. I don't think my story is good to share. Furthermore, I am not a writer. I am only a graphic designer.
That's you,
Elaine Phylicia,
Thank you.
I started to think of my book title. I wanted something to do with river! I was very excited.
"The River of No Return"
Gosh! Sound so sad! Noooo…
"The River of Life"?
Until one day, after few years. Finally, I settled with "The Living River."
…For the river that is forever flowing and heading towards the future of my belongings and I shall never turn back.
God will always guide my sail…forever.