19 April 2020 / 8.24pm
After my dad's bankruptcy, my family has no choice but to leave me with my uncle's family in order to continue my study. It was a very tough life for a 13-year-old boy. I live with them in their sundry shop. Everyday after school I must help them until late at night around 9pm. If not my uncle's wife will sarcastically mentioned there will be no food on the table. This might sound like a Hong Kong dramas, but it's true. Life is real. I didn't t get to live a life like many of my classmates. I only get to do my school work after 10pm. By then, I was already exhausted. Each night, I hug myself to sleep with tears. Hoping that tomorrow will never comes again. I can't wait to grow up… I miss my family very much! As I grew up, I realised that the best teacher is life itself. I am grateful for this experience.